Elizabethtown, PA Pet Insurance

Elizabethtown, PA Firearms Eligibility Investigations

Can I get an expungement in Elizabethtown, PA

Can I get an expungement in Elizabethtown, PA

There are only three reasons you can expunge a conviction for a misdemeanor or felony in Pennsylvania. First is if you are 70 years of age or older and free of arrest or prosecution for ten years. Second is you have been dead for 3 years. Third is if you have been granted a Governor’s Pardon (executive clemency). Most people who are seeking to expunge their criminal convictions are not 70 years of age, and nobody seeking expungement has been dead for three years. Most people who want to expunge their criminal convictions in Pennsylvania need a Pardon.

How long does a Elizabethtown, PA Pardon take in Pennsylvania

How long does a Elizabethtown, PA Pardon take in Pennsylvania

Even if you are a good candidate, the downside is a Pardon doesn’t happen overnight. The process, from start to finish, typically takes 3-5 years. Though that may seem like a long time, you have to understand that waiting longer will not make the process go faster. So if you are a good candidate for a Pardon, it is best to start as soon as possible rather than letting the wait time discourage your efforts and simply drag the process out even longer.

Should I try to buy a gun to see if I can legally own guns in Pennsylvania?

You should ABSOLUTELY NOT, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES try to buy a gun to see if you can legally own or possess firearms. In Pennsylvania, you can be charged with a felony if you are prohibited. Many people have made this costly mistake over the years. Even if a police officer or a gun store employee tells you otherwise, they would certainly not be willing or able to pay your legal fees and serve your criminal penalties in your place if you are prosecuted.

Should I try to buy a gun to see if I can legally own guns in Pennsylvania?
What is the difference between a Elizabethtown, PA PICS Denial and an Undetermined Status?

What is the difference between a Elizabethtown, PA PICS Denial and an Undetermined Status?

Functionally, there is no difference between a PICS denial and an undetermined status. You are still subject to the same deadlines and will still need a successful PICS Challenge to proceed with your purchase or License to Carry Firearms (concealed carry license). Because of that, you should treat an undetermined status with the same approach and sense of urgency that you would a PICS denial. In the technical sense, with an undetermined status the PICS Challenge Unit will need additional information to make a determination. With a PICS denial, the PICS Challenge Unit believes it has information that serves as a basis for denial. It is important to note that neither of these designations suggest any particular outcome. A person who has been denied may not be prohibited, and a person with an undetermined status may in fact be prohibited. Again, you should treat them each with the same approach and sense of urgency.

If I have had a Elizabethtown PICS Denial in the past, will I be denied again?

If you have had a PICS denial in the past, the chances are you will be denied again. There are some reasons why a person can be temporarily prohibited from possessing firearms, but these situations are more rare. Even if your PICS denial is based upon inaccurate information, the Pennsylvania Instant Check System (PICS) will still contain that information without a successful challenge. That is why it is so important to handle a PICS denial or undetermined status with a sense of urgency and contact an experienced firearms attorney as soon as possible.

If I have had a Elizabethtown PICS Denial in the past, will I be denied again?

Pardons in Elizabethtown PA

(484) 558-0076